Court Reporters’ Office
Courthouse Annex - Room 106
55 North Court Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
Telephone: 410-386-2329
Fax: 410-848-0984
All Transcript Request forms are to be made through the Court Reporters’ Office of the Circuit Court for Carroll
County. The Transcript Request form must be completed and submitted to the Court Reporters’ Office via online submission
(see link below), email (, US mail, fax or hand delivery.
Upon receipt of the Transcript Request form, the Court Reporters’ Office will submit the form to CompuScribe (the transcription
vendor). CompuScribe will contact the ordering party with a complete cost estimate of services and delivery turnaround time
options. All payments will be remitted directly to CompuScribe after a cost estimate has been given.
Only transcripts prepared and certified by the Court’s transcription company, CompuScribe, are deemed official and can be admitted
as evidence and/or used to file for Exceptions or Appeals.
Click here to complete and submit a Transcript Request Form.
All CD Request Forms are to be made through the Court Reporters' Office for the Circuit Court of Carroll County. You may click the
link below to download a copy of the CD Request Form. The CD Request Form must be completed and submitted to the Court Reporters'
Office via US mail or hand delivery along with the required payment as further described below. Any requests submitted without
payment will not be processed.
The cost of a CD is $25.00 per CD, per hearing date. CDs are available for hearings held after March 22, 2006, and are playable
on computers with Windows98 or higher.
Official audio recordings generated from the original master recording are provided for listening purposes and verification of
testimony only. They may not be used as the official court record in the place of a transcript. Transcripts cannot be produced
using audio recordings. Only transcripts prepared and certified by the court’s approved transcriptionists are deemed official and
can be admitted as evidence.
Payment must be submitted along with the CD Request form in order to be processed. Upon receipt of both, the request will be processed
and the CD will be mailed. A personal check or money order should be made payable to the Carroll County Commissioners, no cash or credit
cards will be accepted.
Click here to print or download a CD Request Form