Carroll County, Maryland

Carroll County Circuit Court Adult Drug Treatment Court featured among “Stories of Success”


Courthouse Annex
55 North Court Street, Suite 105
Westminster, Maryland 21157
Telephone: 410-386-2851
Fax: 410-386-2596

General Information

The mission of the Carroll County Adult Drug Treatment Court is to reduce dependency through effective allocation of community resources to an intensive, court-supervised program that combines treatment with individualized services to eligible offenders. Offenders who participate in the Drug Treatment Court are accountable for decreasing, and over time, eliminating drug use as they increase self-sufficiency. Carroll County will benefit from reduced drug use and drug-related crime resulting in lower recidivism to corrections, treatment and social service systems.

Drug Treatment Court is a coordinated effort of identifying substance abusing offenders and placing them under strict court monitoring and community supervision, coupled with effective treatment services.

This is done through a special court docket and a partnership between the Carroll County Circuit Court, State’s Attorney’s Office, Office of the Public Defender, Division of Parole and Probation, Pretrial Services, Mountain Manor Treatment Center, Local Law Enforcement and private ADAA certified addictions programs.

The Drug Treatment Court Program employs a variety of incentives to reinforce a participant’s progress as well as sanctions to instill a sense of accountability and to address noncompliance.

All program participants are monitored through Parole and Probation or Pretrial Services and the Drug Treatment Court Case Manager. They are required to attend court on a regular basis, be employed/attend school and must submit to frequent and random drug and alcohol testing.

Eligibilty Criteria:

  • Adults who are non-violent offenders
  • Carroll County resident
  • Substance abuse is evident and the primary diagnosis
  • Willing and able to consent to enter the Drug Treatment Court Program

Referrals may come from a number of sources including:

  • Parole and Probation
  • Office of the Public Defender
  • State’s Attorney’s Office
  • Carroll County Detention Center
  • Law Enforcement
  • Defense Bar
  • Circuit Court Judges
  • Treatment Providers

Please contact the Drug Treatment Court Coordinator for a referral form.

Drug Treatment Court Personnel

Drug Treatment Court Coordinator- The Coordinator develops, implements and maintains the Drug Treatment Court Program. The Coordinator serves as an assistant to the Judge and acts as liaison between the court, law enforcement agencies, treatment providers, the community and the Drug Treatment Court team members. The Coordinator can answer questions about the program, treatment or ancillary needs. The Coordinator, Dena Black, can be reached at 410-386-2851 or emailed at Dena.Black@mdcourts.gov

Drug Treatment Court Case Managers- The Drug Treatment Court Case Managers develop an individualized, comprehensive case management plan for drug court participants upon entrance into the Drug Treatment Court Program. By providing intensive supervision of participants with tracking and monitoring of each participant’s progress, they ensure court orders are followed. For further information, please contact Stephanie Jones at 410-386-2853, Stephanie.Jones@mdcourts.gov.

This project is supported by a grant from the Maryland Judiciary’s Office of Problem-Solving Courts.

List of Treatment Resources

  • Mobile Crisis 410-952-9552
  • Access Carroll, Inc. Integrated Health Care 410-871-1478
  • Carroll County Youth Service Bureau, Inc. 410-848-2500
  • Mountain Manor Treatment Center, Westminster Outpatient 410-876-2425
  • Westminster Recovery Center, LLC 410-857-8448
  • Life Renewal Services, Inc. 443-289-8149
  • Potomac Case Management Services 443-244-4113
  • Project Chesapeake 240-800-1171
  • Nimel Mental Health 410-386-1180