Carroll County, Maryland


Directions to the Circuit Court for Carroll County, Maryland
Courthouse Annex
55 N Court St., Westminster, MD 21157
Westminster, MD 21157

View map of available parking (Click Here)

Note: Parking directly behind the Courthouse Annex is employee parking only.

From Hampstead
  • Take MD-482 toward Westminster.
  • Make a left turn onto MD-27. As you approach Westminster, go under the underpass and make a left turn onto East MD-140. Stay to your right and turn right onto CENTER ST.
  • Proceed one block to the four-way stop sign.
  • Turn left onto Willis Street. At the end of Willis Street, the Circuit Court building is right before you.

From Manchester:
  • Take MD-27 toward Westminster. As you approach Westminster, go under the underpass and make a left turn onto East MD-140.
  • Stay to your right and turn right onto CENTER ST.
  • Proceed one block to the four-way stop sign.
  • Turn left onto Willis Street. At the end of Willis Street, the Circuit Court building is right before you.

From Taneytown:
  • Take MD-140 toward Westminster.
  • Make a right turn onto CENTER ST.
  • Proceed one block to the four-way stop sign
  • Turn left onto Willis Street. At the end of Willis Street, the Circuit Court building is right before you.

From Sykesville/Eldersburg/Marriottsville:
  • From MD 26, take MD-97 N. Merge onto MD-97 and continue to Westminster.
  • You may either follow the Main Street or MD-140 directions below.

From East Main St.:
  • Make a left turn onto EAST MAIN ST to COURT ST.
  • Make a right turn onto COURT ST and you will see the Historic Courthouse in the middle of the road.
  • Make a right at the "T".
  • The Circuit Court Annex will be the large brick building on the right immediately after the houses. It has a handicapped access ramp on the front, blue-gray shutters and faces the parking meters.

From MD-140:
  • Make a left turn onto MD-140 to CENTER ST.
  • Turn left onto CENTER ST.
  • Proceed one block to the four-way stop sign
  • Turn left onto Willis Street. At the end of Willis Street, the Circuit Court building is right before you.

From Mount Airy:
  • Take RIDGE RD/MD-27 toward Westminster.
  • Make a right turn onto E MAIN ST.
  • Make a left turn onto COURT ST and you will see the Historic Courthouse in the middle of the road.
  • Make a right at the "T".
  • The Circuit Court Annex will be the large brick building on the right immediately after the houses. It has a handicapped access ramp on the front, blue-gray shutters and faces the parking meters.

The Circuit Court does not provide public transportation. However, you may consider:

Carroll Transit System
Phone: 410-386-5550

You may also consider Uber or Lyft.

Further information on jury service can found in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Courts & Judicial Proceedings II, Title 8, Sections 8-101 through 8-507.