Carroll County, Maryland


You may complete the Juror Qualification Form online at: https://ejury.mdcourts.gov/login If your circumstances are that you are unable to complete the form online, please complete and mail the hardcopy Juror Qualification Form to the Jury Office with any necessary documentation. Be sure to identify any documentation with your Juror Badge Number.

To view or hide an answer to a question click on the question.
1. What if I am not a citizen of the United States?

If you are not a citizen of the United States, please complete and return the Juror Qualification Form and provide a copy of your resident alien card, green card, student or work visa to be excused from jury service. Requests to be excused from jury service will not be considered without a completed Juror Qualification Form and the necessary documentation.

If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

2. What if I have moved?

If you are not a resident of Carroll County, please complete and return the Juror Qualification Form and provide a copy of your new driver’s license, change-of-address card or identification card to be excused from jury service. Requests to be excused from jury service will not be considered without this documentation.

If you are registered to vote in Carroll County, you must contact the Carroll County Board of Elections to have your name removed from the voter rolls (even if you have never voted in Carroll County). If you do not call and request your name to be removed from the voter rolls, you may be summoned again.

3. What if I have charges pending or have been convicted of a crime?

If you have criminal charge(s) pending against you punishable by a sentence exceeding twelve (12) months, please complete and return the Juror Qualification Form (check “yes” to Question 15) and provide documentation that lists the charge(s), date and the jurisdiction where the charge(s) are pending.

If you have been convicted of a crime(s) and sentenced to more than twelve (12) months in jail, and have not been legally pardoned, please complete and return the Juror Qualification Form (check “yes” to Question 16) and provide documentation of the charge(s), the sentence, the date and the jurisdiction where you were convicted.

Requests to be excused from jury service will not be considered without the completed Juror Qualification Form and the necessary documentation.
If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

4. What if I have a disability or health issue?

If you have a disability and wish to be excused from jury service, please provide a note from your healthcare provider along with your completed Juror Qualification Form. Or, you may visit the Jury Office website for a Physician Form (click here) to be completed and returned to the Jury Office by your healthcare provider along with your completed Juror Qualification Form.

If you have a disability and need an accommodation in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a written statement requesting an accommodation and specifying the type of accommodation, is required along with your completed Juror Qualification Form. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate you.

If you have a health issue and wish to be excused from jury service, please provide a note from your healthcare provider along with your completed Juror Qualification Form. Or, you may visit the Jury Office website for a Physician Form (click here) to be completed by your healthcare provider and returned to the Jury Office along with your completed Juror Qualification Form.

If your health issue is temporary, and you wish to postpone your service to a future date, follow the instructions on your summons to complete your Juror Qualification Form online and then you may take advantage of a one-time courtesy rescheduling. Since this is a one-time rescheduling, when selecting your new term, please consider vacations, family obligations, work commitments, etc., so that the date you select will be one in which you will be able to serve.

Please note that you will receive a second summons with your new term of service and new group number. Please be sure to complete and return the second Juror Qualification Form or complete online.

No request to be excused will be considered without the completed Juror Qualification Form along with the necessary documentation.

If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

5. What if I am 70 years or older?

If you are 70 years or older and wish to be excused from jury service, please complete the Juror Qualification Form and return to Jury Office or follow the instructions on your summons to complete the form online. Please note, when completing the printed summons form If you wish to be excused temporarily check “yes” to Question 19 in the box immediately before the word “temporarily” (you will be excused from service for one year). If you wish to be excused permanently check “yes” to Question 19 in the box immediately before the word “permanently”. Do not check both.

If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

6. What if I am a full-time student?

Students are not exempt from jury service. You may follow the instructions on your summons to complete your Juror Qualification Form online and then you may take advantage of a one-time courtesy rescheduling. Since this is a one-time rescheduling, when selecting your new term, please consider vacations, family obligations, work commitments, etc., so that the date you select will be one in which you will be able to serve.

Please note that you will receive a second summons with your new term of service and new group number. Please be sure to complete and return the second Juror Qualification Form or complete it online.

If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

7. What if I am an active duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces or a member of Maryland’s organized militia (also known as the National Guard)?

If you are in the U.S. Armed Services or Maryland’s organized militia (a/k/a National Guard), and wish to be excused from jury service, please provide a completed Certification of Military Exemption Form. Please visit:https://www.mdcourts.gov/juryservice to download the form, or you may provide a copy of your military orders along with the completed Juror Qualification Form.

If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form and indicate your relationship to the juror.

8. What if I have vacation or business travel during my term?

If you have vacation or business travel scheduled during your term, follow the instructions on your summons and complete your Juror Qualification Form online and then you may take advantage of a one-time courtesy rescheduling. Since this is a one-time rescheduling, when selecting your new term, please consider family obligations, work commitments, etc., so that the date you select will be one in which you will be able to serve.

Please note that you will receive a second summons with your new term of service and new group number. Please be sure to complete and return the second Juror Qualification Form or complete it online.

If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

9. What if I have employment or childcare/eldercare issues during my term?

The laws of Maryland do not provide for excusal from jury service due to employment or childcare/eldercare issues. Childcare and/or eldercare is not provided by the Circuit Court .

Nursing mothers may be excused from jury service if the child is under two (2) years of age. A copy of the child’s birth certificate must be provided along with the completed Juror Qualification Form.

If you have childcare, eldercare or employment issues, you may follow the instructions on your summons to complete your Juror Qualification Form online and then you may take advantage of a one-time courtesy rescheduling. Since this is a one-time rescheduling, when selecting your new term, please consider vacations, family obligations, work commitments, etc., so that the date you select will be one in which you will be able to serve.

Please note that you will receive a second summons with your new term of service and new group number. Please be sure to complete and return the second Juror Qualification Form or complete it online.

If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the Juror Qualification Form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

10. What if I have a legitimate reason why I cannot serve my assigned term?

If you have a legitimate reason why you cannot serve your assigned term, you may follow the instructions on your summons to complete your Juror Qualification Form online and then you may take advantage of a one-time courtesy rescheduling. Since this is a one-time rescheduling, when selecting your new term, please consider vacations, family obligations, work commitments, etc., so that the date you select will be one in which you will be able to serve.

Please note that you will receive a second summons with your new term of service and new group number. Please be sure to complete and return the second Juror Qualification Form or complete it online. If you are completing the Juror Qualification Form for someone other than yourself, please sign and date the form, and indicate your relationship to the juror.

11. When can I expect a response to my request to be excused from jury service?

You should expect a response to your request to be excused in three (3) to four (4) weeks.

Requests to be excused from jury service that are received as late as two (2) weeks prior to your term, may not be addressed before your term begins. Do not assume you have been excused from jury service, it is your responsibility to follow-up with the Jury Office.

12. How was I selected for jury service?

Carroll County jurors are randomly selected from the Carroll County Board of Elections voter rolls and the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration’s lists of licensed drivers and identification card holders. No one can volunteer for jury service.

13. How long is my jury service?

Trial (Petit) Jury Service - In Carroll County, a trial petit juror term of service is five (5) days. You may have to report more than once during your term, and you could be selected to sit on more than one (1) jury during your term. Court usually adjourns daily at 4:30 p.m. but is subject to run late.

Grand Jury Service - In Carroll County, grand jurors usually meet every other Thursday for a period of six (6) months. At orientation grand jurors will be given a schedule of the days they are required to report. The length of a grand juror’s day depends on how many matters the State’s Attorney presents and how long it takes to deliberate.

14. What is the difference between a grand jury and trial (petit) jury?

A grand jury determines whether there is probable cause to indict. Grand juries can also conduct investigations.

A trial (petit) jury listens to evidence in a courtroom and determines guilt or innocence, damages or other matters.

15. What happens if I fail to appear for jury service?

Carroll County takes jury service very seriously. If you fail to appear for jury service, you will be summonsed to appear before the Court and given an opportunity to explain why you did not appear. A person who fails to show good cause is subject to a fine not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both.

16. Do I get paid for my jury service?

Trial (petit) jurors will receive a per diem reimbursement of thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each day of jury service up to five (5) days. On the sixth (6th) day and every consecutive day thereafter, the per diem increases to Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each day served.

Grand jurors will receive a per diem reimbursement of thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each day served.

17. Does my employer have to pay me when I report for jury service?

At this time, your employer is not required to pay you when you report for jury service. However, your employer must allow you to attend jury service without jeopardizing your employment.

18. Where do I park?

It is recommended that you do not park in a metered parking space. Parking directly behind the Courthouse Annex is employee parking only. Please refer to map (Click here).

19. What can I bring with me?

The courthouse is a secured building and all persons and their personal items will pass through a metal detector and be searched upon entry. No weapons of any kind are permitted on the premises. Please leave any questionable items in your vehicle. You may bring cell phone, lap tops and reading materials with you. Possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices are limited or prohibited in designated areas of the courthouse.

20. What if my family has an emergency?

In the event of an emergency, your family should call the main bailiff desk at 410-386-2654. They should give the bailiff your name and advise the bailiff that you are a juror. The bailiff will then locate you and give you the message.

21. What should I wear?

Proper attire is required. No hats, uniforms, shorts, cut-off jeans, t-shirts with logos, halter tops, tank tops, or pajamas are permitted. You may wish to bring a sweater. Please refrain from using heavily scented perfumes or colognes.

More Questions? If you have additional questions, please contact the Jury Office 410-386-2093 and then press “0” to bypass the recorded message.